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Minimum Shipping Policy:
Minimum Shipping on all orders $11.50
Lighted Post Caps $12.50
Nuntucket Post Caps $14.50
Dura Hedge Slats (4' High) $20.00
Dura Hedge Slats (5', 6' High) $26.00
Dura Hedge Slats (8' High) $36.00
PVT Slats (3', 4' High) $18.00
PVT Slats (5', 6' High) $22.00
PVT Slats (7', 8' High) $24.00
Note: Although the minimum shipping charges may not show up in shopping cart,
it will be automatically adjusted when processed.
Discount Fence Supply, Inc.
10050 Wellman Rd.
Streetsboro OH 44241
Phone: (800) 878-7829 or Fax (330)650-9004
email us at Customer Service